Saturday, April 07, 2007

Trying too hard

It has become apparent to me that one must not try too hard, or appear to try hard.

Make up: You have to look naturally beautiful. Sheesh, the make up should look like it is not there. Make up is meant to cover up your ugly flaws, but you can't look like you slap on too much or else you will be trying too hard to look good.

Academia: You have to get good grades without studying too much. Else you will just be a mugger toad. People take great pains to look like they are not working so hard.

Interpersonal: You have to be nice and sociable without trying so hard to fit into a group. People should love you and accept you without you trying. But how do you get yourself into such situations without trying? Things just don't work this way.

Dating: You can't be, or look desperate. Enough said.

Style: Your wardrobe should be casually put together, yet still oh-so-stylish.

Blogging: You have to be interesting without appearing like you are trying to be interesting. (Haha, ran out of ideas.. so I'm not going to TRY to write more.)

Happy Easter!

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