Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Chapter

GeoCities is closing. Another chapter of my childhood is ending. The cool kids in class used to have geocities sites. I was never cool or tech enough to start one.

I so want to keep all the memories in little boxes so I can revisit them again. But I can't. I forget, I don't keep good enough records.

So this is what being old is like. Maybe when I am 60, I will look back and talk about the good old days when all the links to my past still exist.

Annoying Rant about School

I've started school and haven't been blogging much. Not that my life is very interesting or exciting anyway. But here are a few things about school for all those working people out there.

People are smarter than normal. Or at least they appear to be. The real world is filled with lots of annoying dumbasses *coughs* (pardon the language) and there seems to be a lesser proportion of such people in a PhD program. I was just telling OF that I think approximately 20% of the cohort is 3 SD above average (the rest hover around 1.5 SD above average). In real life, you rarely run into 3 SD people at such frequencies. This means that, like a mensa meeting, jokes need only be told once. People 'get' things fast (or at least faster). Things are slow at times, which allows me to slack off and daydream and panic.

It's okay to be different, or different-er, in such a program since everyone is such a weirdo anyway (relative to the real world). It's hard to get in (or stay admitted) if you are normal. I also don't see why normal people want to be in such a community. I can imagine that this will be a very unpleasant, unappealing experience for my stereotypical normal friends.

Lots of intellectual freedom. Though I think my brain is going to burst from over processing. I am not going to listen to all the advice that people are giving. Hell, if I wanted to be normal, I would be wearing pant suits and making real money in a real world.

I live in an artificial bubble of knowledge and ideas (and dreams).

Friday, October 23, 2009


My schoolmate says that my laugh is very stylist. Hm?

. . .