Friday, November 19, 2010

Entitled to what?

I hate the North American self-esteem hogwash. I don't appreciate the "everyone gets a trophy for participation" thing. Hello, get what you earned. Live with what you have, there are no participation trophies in the real world.

The things people should be entitled to: human rights, aka you should have the rights not to be tortured, horribly humiliated etc etc. Everything else is extra. So, you are not entitled to have the best seat in the restaurant, have people give up their seat for you, for me to help you etc.

There is a clear distinction between what you are entitled to (ie food you paid for) and what is extra (others being nice, considerate, wonderful).

Okay, granted, it might suck if your parents hate your existence, maybe they should fulfill their parental responsibilities and make you feel loved, provide decent parenting, food, education and shelter... But I don't get this entitled thing!? Why do people feel entitled to stuff.

Granted, I am a rather lazy, spoilt, highly neurotic person who needs to be shoveled off the couch when I am home. So who am I to comment on the rest of the possibly less-glued-to-the-couch people.

I guess my point is that most people think that they are better than others (cite research) and hence, believe that they should be treated differently. How irrational everyone is! I need people to be more objective, to more accurately gauge themselves, their expectations, their desires.... I'm filled with dark, horrid things and at least I'm clear and objective about it.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Alter Ego 2

from Calvin and Hobbes Nov 4, 2010.

Rather similar to this. I guess I like the same things.