Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I feel....

Oh gosh, I just came across this rather fun website about people's feelings. ( You can play around with the data, look at differences between genders, countries etc. It is pretty and all colourful, just the sort of thing I like. I especially like reading the mumblings of Singaporeans. Haha.. Lots of Singlish!

But check this out. Singapore is actually the saddest city, and also one of the loneliest. This might not be the most scientific way to go about evaluating cities, but it does hold some element of truth. (Why else would I go: Ah, why I am not surprised.)

Side note:
I feel un-understood. It's not really misunderstood. More like a feeling that one doesn't get what I'm trying to convey. It's a lack of the Ah-ha sensation. I feel I have so much to say yet all my words seem to be like balls rolling down this darken funnel to nowhere. (It's really what I see in my mind: balls rolling down a dark funnel. I don't hear the balls reaching any potential end. It's just the sound of them spinning around. The sounds grow fainter, but I still hear them.)

I keep getting hints or should I call them, obvious in-your-face signals, about the missing kindred feeling I'm seeking.

I'm such a problematic soul. Nothing seems good enough for me.

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