Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring cheated on me.

The damn weather. It's cold AGAIN and it's MARCH. Hello, where is my Spring? For those who are not so well informed, when I say cold, I mean below 0 degree celsius cold. Oh, I so miss the 25 deg monsoon cold in Singapore. (Eh, not really.) My ideal outside temperature is between 10 - 15 deg. I feel that some politician needs to build a huge globe around the city and set the thermostat to 15 deg.

Besides that, I'm freezing indoors. This is terrible. Now it is 17 deg (still bearable), but I sometimes wake up to 13 deg INDOOR temperatures. The thermostat at home is CURSED. It only has a turn on/off function. The temperature dials on it -> SCAM!

Here is a continuation about the terrible living conditions that I'm forced to live with.
(Refer to Neurotic for my housemates' heating woes.)

Okay.. So I feel cold and I turn on the heat. )@(#*@)(#@! CHLORINE GAS START COMING OUT OF MY HEAT VENT!!!!!! Poison poison. They used Chlorine to kill people in WW1.

Either the drug-using nuts in the basements are trying to poison me (and the rest of the house) or the landlord or his assistant (V. N.) is trying to save $ by making hot air a form of poison.

When we DIE, you will have no rent to collect. Argh. Sheesh. The Chlorine is probably going to take some time to kill md, so evil landlord could still squeeze rent out of me!

Evil landlord choices:
SAVE $ as stupid renters don't use heat
SPEND $ to slowly kill some pesky renters

He got the best of everything eh?
(I didn't know it is so easy to torment people. The tips I pick up in Toronto. Tsk.)

Yadayada. He might be trying to clean the air vent with Chlorine. But it is below -6 deg outside.

The lives of poor undergraduates are worth nothing. When I get rich and famous and all, I'll get back at all these people. Shoot diamond bullets at them.

But now, I'm stuck without heat.

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