Saturday, March 24, 2007

People watching

Friday: in some 9am class with 30 minutes of sleep
30 min of sleep: writing 10 page essay, 25%, on the night before it is due. Bad idea.

Professor was late, so I people watched. The girl sitting next to me was a classic GF2. I've noticed her in class before (because she is gf2-like), but today she was in closer proximity.

She is dainty and sweet with long rebonded hair that she touches every few seconds. *flick flick* She has nicely painted pink fingernails and smells like bubblegum (really, sugar sweet). Even her nice neat round-ish handwriting is sweet.

All the while, she was talking to this other guy. He is rather plain looking (nice way of saying below average) and kind of flabby (note: I think lots of people are flabby, so he might not really be flabby in usual sense. It's just my view. =P). Then the professor came and when lesson was about to start, he stood up and left the class.

Yikes. He is one of those guys. You know, those men that hang around girls they like, i.e. to jio* the bubblegum sweetie. The girls are usually relatively nice and friendly to such men, but everyone knows it is highly unlikely they will ever consider dating them (the men). (Possibly everyone, except him, knows she doesn't consider him)

Haha, it gives me such an ecky aftertaste watching such a scene. The men are so lame. It's 9am on Friday and he is in class to accompany the girl for 10 minutes before class starts. Ew ew. Somehow I'm disgusted at the rather desperate jioing methods.

I guess people have to try, somehow, to date people a lot better looking than they are. How else would extremely ugly people get married? (hm, maybe they marry other extremely ugly people?)

I'm so mean. I'm so not going to get jioed for the next eternity.

*Jio: (Singlish) chase, woo

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