Saturday, July 29, 2006

Leaving Toronto

I'm leaving Toronto in a couple of hours.
Finally the hotels in Vienna, Milan and Rome are booked and confirmed (more or less I hope).

I'm now in one of those... what-else-do-I-need-to-bring stage...
Looking around my room and going through my daily routine to make sure nothing is forgotten.
OF is busy de-hairing next to me. It's kind of odd. The calm that comes before the holiday. Before this, it was all busy, trying to get things in order, booking places, reading course material.
I'm no where near finishing all I want to do...
OF has finished de-hairing and he's bugging me to go book seats online.
Maybe I'll have free internet access.. then I can blog.
Till the next time I regain internet connection... wish me luck. =)


The_Laptop said...

How's the Italy trip?

fluff ball said...

Besides the fact that i am like TOTALLY BRoke after going to Milan...
no internet in room...
ah.. far far away from rest of the world