Saturday, July 15, 2006

Musical Musings

I woke up with the tune of “Dawn” (Pride and Prejudice, Dario Marianelli) playing over in my head. I had a desperate urge to find a piano and play the song despite the fact that 1) I do not have the piano score and 2) I cannot sight-read well. I messaged OF concerning my need to find a piano and he replied “Eh. Why ah?” which is somewhat funny yet seemingly inappropriate.

I don’t know why I had the sudden urge to play the piano. I’ll probably disappoint myself once I venture into playing the piano again. Yet, I went through the possible places in school that I could find a piano and play without embarrassing myself (a massive crowd sitting behind me). *arghs*

My sudden yearning for music is not that surprising, I guess. Since my primary school days, I have always wanted to learn how to play the violin. Yet, I never had the courage to ask my parents to allow me to take music lessons, for they always talk about how bad it was for parents to force children into supplementary classes. Anyway, I reached my puberty years and managed to bug my parents into letting me have piano lessons. I guess I was a pretty decent student, not great, but at least average. I even took up the violin in my secondary school days. So in my early teens, I finally fulfilled my need for music lessons.

But like any typical student in Singapore, I was overwhelmed by the British O, A levels and kept stopping my lessons because of exams. On hindsight, I probably should not have been so lazy. For now, I’m left with insufficient ability to play the way I wished I could.

One interesting note: I having violin lessons in Toronto with my teacher from back home. He migrated here with his family. Yet I kept stopping my lessons (yes, even in summer). I had not have lessons frequently, it has been 4 months since I have touched my instrument. *more arghs* It’s hard to practice when you have neighbours below that despise the noise you create. Why do I like music and yet is not able to play. Feel so handicapped by my own ability.

Never mind, I need to make the best out of this…
I shall try to find a piano in school, try to find the music score, and try to find time to play.

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