Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bad blogger

Okay.... I think I'm a bad blogger. I write boring nonsense that no one really wants to read. Hm, why such comments? I've been reading my brother's blog and my friends' blogs and they are all A LOT more interesting than mine. I guess my life is boring.
It's pretty uneventful now. I sit around with my research papers in front of me... (it still is).. But I'm surfing, reading CNN, nosing through peoples' blogs, playing games.. you get the point... Internet is a bad bad thing...

Anyway, I was having this conversation with OF about PRESENTS FOR my 21st Birthday!! In short, he wanted to know what I want... and I didn't know exactly what I wanted.. so I gave him some oh-so-rough guidelines.
1. Try not to disappoint.
2. Try not to get something that I will get for myself. If I wanted it that badly, I would probably have bought it.
3. The gift should come as a surprise.
4. The gift should be valued for $.
5. Don't buy something too practical (e.g. camera battery). It shouldn't be too inpractical too (e.g. vase).
6. The gift should make other girl friends jealous. (really jealous is good) The sort of gift that would cause other girls to shoot evil looks at their partners.
7. The gift should signify the importance of the receiver. (Girls probably like flowers because they like the idea that their partners would spend ridiculous amounts of moola on something that serves no purpose and dies fast.)

Summary: Impress, don't disappoint.

Okay, I got to go read my research papers to make myself feel somewhat productive. Or maybe I'll just go sleep... Hm...

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