Saturday, September 23, 2006


After finding out that I do not have the prerequisites of being in one of my classes, I madly emailed the lecturer in hopes that he would grant me a space. UNfortunately, he didn't reply. (Later, I found that he doesn't reply to those whom he rejected their requests.)

ARgh! But, somehow, after speaking up in class today, (by which I mean talking a LOT), he allowed me to stay. What a relief. Considering that I got throw out of my course advisor's office for moving a chair to sit when I tried to get her to waive the prerequisite. @(#*&*%#*. Odd cranky old hag (OCOH).
Which comes to this other theory I have. Side note: I have to come up with three hypothesis for one of my labs.

Anyway, back to the point, I was whining to my housemates about the OCOH and I figured that unmarried or people without kids end up as OCOHs (OCOH applies to both males/females, the male version could be Odd Cranky Old Hog?). I seem have met a fair amount of them in my 16 years of schooling, they are usually teachers. Ha! Why? I don't know.

Another friend who was listening to my gripes about the course-advisor OCOH mentioned that maybe such people have poor sex lives. Possibly, I simply cannot imagine someone wanting to be that intimate with someone who is so cranky at life...

OCOHs are usually cranky and they vent their life dissatisfaction at you. Please, go vent at some inanimate object, hit a beanbag or something. They are either sadists or grumpy-er (people who enjoy being grumpy, haha, a more appropriate word should be masochist, but that just brings to mind leather jackets and whips. And this image doesn't seem to fit with that of the OCOHs.) I can't understand why they enjoy being so mean to others, I don't see how someone can be happy if they make others miserable. (this is probably OCOHs’ life goal)

Being a good scientist (or a good science student), I should quantify this by saying that not ALL unmarried-wo kids-past middle age people are OCOHs. But a lot of them are. So, maybe we should all try to get hitch and/or get a good sex life and/or adopt or produce some kid. Suggestions from my not-so-scientific hypothesis.

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