Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Creepy Creeps
His/her hair was longish, so the child might be a girl. But he/she was hanging out with a bunch of boys, so the child might be a boy. The child is fair with a face that looks both girlish and boyish. In all, I was busy staring, trying to figure out the gender of the child.
And there was this grown man hovering around this bunch of un-adult-supervised children. At first, he chatted with the child's friends but the friends soon left when their bus arrived. Then the man started chatting with this child.
I hate to be such a superficial judgmental person, but I am. I think that man is a creep. It seemed to me that the child was disinterested in having a conversation but the man kept trying to 'chat-up' the child. That man, Creepy Creep (CC), sends out BAD vibes. I'm convinced he is up to no good. I won't go as far as to claim he is a pedophile.. (though he probably is), but he sure seems like a creep.
Claim: Pedophiles like to pick out children who are awkward. So that CC is probably doing just that. The child looks obviously awkward with his/her odd dressing.
I listened/eavesdropped and figured out that CC was asking the child about his/her longish hair. I guess the hair is the first thing that hits you once you see the child. The hair is too long for a boy, though the child was dressed in boy's clothes. (As you can see, I was totally distracted by the androgynism.) CC was just asking about the hair. Argh. I couldn't verify his intentions.
Anyway, my bus came and I willed the child to get up the same bus. Unfortunately, my 'will' power is not strong and the child remained at the bus stop. Being the kiasi* Singaporean, I just boarded my bus and proceeded home. I'm so apathetic. (Haha, I'm a-pathetic.) But then, I really don't know what to do. Ask the creep to buzz off? Continue spying at them at the bus stop? What if CC is the child's friend/relative/teacher?
I'm not proud of my apathy. But then, what am I to do?
kiasi*: Singlish, scared died (direct translation), afraid of death
Books and Purin
Here are more pictures of Purin. I'm rather fond of him. He is such good company.
Purin is wearing a shirt stolen from a rabbit.
Purin and friends.
Purin is resting.
Ahhh.. So comfi!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Purin's new footstool
Here is Purin and his new footstool!
Then Purin got sick of playing with the footstool for it was rather dirty. *Purin frowns*
Here is a random picture of Seal (His real name is Sirotan) on my new blue sofa. He is so adorably cute. *pinch*
Monday, July 16, 2007
Attack of the L.S.E.
Everyone in Singapore is a size 0. Everyone is gorgeous without trying. The flawless makeup-less skin! What thin legs!!!
They all have that tiny chin that OF says exemplifies beauties. My chin is so not tapered enough.
Everyone has nice large eyes without eye bags or dark circles. They all have nice long dark lashes! Argh. This is so unfair.
I feel great resentment.
L.S.E never befalls on me so terribly in Toronto. How horrid. How horrid.
Everyone is successful, rich and pretty. I am jobless, bored and poor.
ARgh. L.S.E.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hello... Is anyone there?
How reassuring it is, that life could go on perfectly well without you. But that is how it is.
The insignificance of one's position and role, even in that tiny section of life you once occupied.
Life filters out the irrelevant, the unimportant and the things you couldn't be bothered with. How easy Life does it!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Of health, beauty and vanity
Anyway, the mask is darn good and I'm totally in love with it. It's the best mask I've ever tried. (Hm, I haven't tried that many. But still...) It digs out all the ecky blackheads, whiteheads and maybe some facial hair *haha*. It's my new favourite thing. And yar, I just bought another bottle of it. Why? I don't know. I just like it. I like to stock up on random things like this. Oh, that reminds me, my Maybelline thing is also darn good. Yeah yeah. It's only available in Asia so I'm going to buy tons of it and cart them to NYC. I am a total kiasu garang guni. Hehe.

On a more solemn mood, a friend just found out that her mom has breast cancer. Her love-hate relationship with her mom is probably going to get much more complicated.
Hm, lots of people have love-hate parent-child relationships. Lots of irrational and rational resentment in life. Sheesh.
Well, I hope everything turns out well. Once the health part is dealt with, then one can worry about the more fun and frivolous parts of life... like Maybelline Foundation and eye bags. Hm, come to think of it, I should probably go for a full body check up, consider all the aches and pains and funny problems that seem to plague me. But like the-above-mentioned friend, I'm far too lazy and afraid of finding out about things I don't want to know. Oh, I so hate bad news.
OF says I'm like an old woman. Haha. For this once, he is right.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
New Friend
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
The life of a bummer
It's a tough life being a bum. The days pass oh-so-slowly. I don't know why I don't feel this bored in Canada. I think it's the weather.
It's too hot to do anything. I just bum around. It's too hot to even sleep my days away.
And things are obscenely overpriced. I've been away for 2 years and suddenly everything is a-hell-lot more expensive.
I'm cheapskate, poor and unemployed. The living standard is far too high. My Ken-Ken cuttlefish is now 40 cents instead of 30 cents. *argh*
But I bought this. The green waffle thing with chocolate. It's $1.30. I'm trying to recall whether there is a price increase.
There are many new malls in Singapore. I've too little humour to go about exploring them. Too bored. Too little patience to entertain/meet up with those I'm not too familiar with.
Lazy. The hot and humid summer days go by oh-so-slowly. I have time to sit on a bus and listen to the aimless chatter of students returning home after classes. I have time to do things rather slowly (or rather, do things at my own pace, without time constrain).
Maybe I've been away for far too long. The cars seem to be on the wrong side of the road. I've stuffed people Canadian money by accident. I constantly feel like I'm in the middle of a Jack Neo movie. It's unnerving.