Friday, June 01, 2007

And I thought my life was painful.

Okay, I just failed my driving test (again). I’m getting used to it. I have self-diagnosed myself with a very mild case of the disorder of the written expression + bad sensory-motor coordination. Ah.. the beauty of taking too many abnormal psychology courses: I keep finding out about problems with myself.

A friend just went: At least you are good at everything else (He’s probably implying something to do with academia). I rather be bad at driving and good at everything else.

But that is also so not true. =(
I want to be good at everything. (I’m not implying my grades are great, because they aren’t! *double =( =( * )
At work, I saw this guy standing outside my office with some machine. My curiosity (kaypoh-ness*) got the better of me and I approached him to ask him what he is doing. Apparently, he’s measuring cell-phone signals. (Yes, I’m like -_-?!?!?!). He has to move a few feet and measure the signals in the different locations. It’s rather sad, I saw him measuring the floor with a measuring tape to get the exact location. So he stands in a location for 1 minute to measure signals and moves 2 steps to measure again. He’s been out there the ENTIRE afternoon doing this (seemingly retarded) thing. All for the sake of research… This I can’t get.
How ironic, you probably need a PhD (smart people) to do such funny (stupid) research.
There are sad people doing sad things for their work. I hope I don’t end up like the cell-phone signal measuring guy. Please please please. Keep my fingers cross. Okay, I fail my %#$&*#% driving test (Driving is making me VERY POOR, please donate funds to me.), but at least I’m not measuring cell-phone signals. Haha, maybe he likes his job. Who knows… but that is SO NOT my thing.

*kaypoh: Singlish, busybody-ness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cuilin,addoil for your next driving test will be fine.
