Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year

It's a new year. I've returned from my 3rd Europe (London & Paris) trip not too long ago. Now, it's back to school. Everything is a dull buzz. Just going about life. School, work, schoolwork, sleep. Dull.

All is fine and rather uneventful. Not feeling all too keen to get suck into this seemingly endless undergraduate career. It's almost over. Just 4 more months before I'm out of here. In fact, I'm off to take my grad photo some time next week.

It's been a relatively fast 3 years. A new phrase in life is about to begin. Now as I look back at my JC days, I feel this attachment to my school. But in college, it is just a mindless trudge to complete. While I have gained an education and learnt a lot (mostly academic stuff), I don't have that attachment to the school. Maybe it's the people here. The lack of a decent social circle makes me yearn for a more interesting/colourful life elsewhere. Where should I go next.

Toronto is a nice place. The security of knowing where everything is in this city.

Yet, I should move. This place has failed to give me the intellectual or any other sort of stimulation I need. I'm not growing as a person!

Hm, like what this lecturer of mine said: Take the harder path in life.

Moving elsewhere would be hard... Maybe that's why I should do it.

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