Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I just got my graduation pictures taken. They are BLOODY Expensive. I paid $25 for Proofs. And if I want photos without the horrible words (proofs) on it. I need to pay $50 (black & white) and UP.

Which means I would attempt to photoshop away the darn words.


Hm. Back to school. Everything is a routine. As usual, I am worrying about my life and possible future. Argh. Nothing ever changes.

I'm such a worry wart. It doesn't help that I worry about things that I can't change.

Just learnt that someone at work took 10 years to complete her degree. I am taking 3 years and it is DRIVING ME NUTS.

Sheesh. Is this the attitude to go to graduate school? But I don't feel ready for work. (would I ever?)

It's crappy being at an age where you are old enough to comprehend things and yet not old enough to make a wise decision about what you want.
It doesn't help that I know that the decision I would make is CRUCIAL for the next couple of years of my life.

Church was going: you should pray that God helps you make the right decision when you meet a fork in life.

Darn it.

And then comes to the point. Is there free will? Do I actually get a choice? Or is it just the perception of choice since everything is preordained.

(Reminds me of the time when my friends told me that your name is in this Big Book that decides whether you go to heaven. Then what choice do I have in life to make? If I suddenly decide to be religious, would my name pop up in the Book? Or is it destined that I would/would not be religious and that my name is already in/not in the Book?)

Yada, yada. Random Rantings.

1 comment:

The_Laptop said...

With respect to religion, always remember that you are what you believe in.

So, with that in mind, you should ask yourself. What exactly do you believe in?