Thursday, June 21, 2012

Singapore Day 3: Lunch conversations

Things I learn:
- My grandma came to Singapore when she was 4.
- She has a younger brother who is 5 years younger. He used to sell ice cream. Now, he is retired and taking care of his grandkids.
- My grandma did not attend school, she learned to write when her brother went to school.  She never worked before marriage and took care of her children afterwards.
- My grandpa drove a taxi for 8 years before deciding to sell cloth.
- He bought cloth with a friend but they each went their separate ways to sell cloth.
- He owned one of those 'market stores', which he then returned to the government after retiring to take care of my brother.  He sold cloth for 30+ years.
- They did not make any money from returning the store to the government... unlike the store owners after them.

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