Sunday, April 17, 2011

Create opportunities for higher incomes

I was just reading news on the 2011 Singapore general elections when I came across the PAP's slogan 'Securing Our Future Together' with its six planks (Why planks? I thought planks are pieces of wood? So we need to secure our future together with 6 wooden sticks?? Hm.. just webster-ed, my English is not good enough... apparently plank can mean: an article in the platform of a political party / a principal item of a policy or program... So there, I learn something new every day!).

The Six Planks:
- Create opportunities for higher incomes
- Improve the lives of lower-income Singaporeans
- Bring out the best in every child
- Develop a vibrant city and an endearing home
- Help the elderly stay active, healthy and engaged
- Involve all Singaporeans in shaping the future

The first thing that went through my mind after reading the 1st plank was "wah, so obvious create more opportunities for rich people ah? Like that can meh?". [Create opportunities for "higher incomes" (noun)]

I had to read that plank a few times over before I figure it probably meant: to create opportunities for (people to have) higher incomes!

How I know... maybe the government wants rich people to vote for them and keep the status quo. And is it very hard to add a few more words to prevent confusion?!

OF thought it was a not so subtle hint for the higher incomes to vote for PAP. Maybe... just maybe... If I vote PAP, can PAP please guarantee me a job when I go back to Singapore? Thank you very much!

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