Thursday, February 11, 2010

Annoying Irrationality

Okay, I've figured out what is the most annoying thing ever. Irrational people who feel that they must impose their lack of rationality upon me. Urgh. Most most most annoying ever.

Granted, I am inhumanly rational and would probably make a good case study of some sort, but darn you irrational people. Stop trying to make me see sense in your irrationality. I just think you are stupid. But you poor irrational people, probably think that I am marveling at your blinding intellect or scalding sarcasm.

What makes you think that your well being affects my overall utility? Yes, if you are sick and busy and still want to torture yourself, fine with me. You can be a scientologist for all I care. Stop trying to convince me that just because I am not as sick or as tired as you, I should join you in your self torture. Yes, me torturing myself alongside you probably make you a tat happier, but really... I couldn't care less about your utility. We are totally independent. Correlation = 0.

You do not know what is best for me. Stop doing things in your own interest and pretend that it is for my good. I am so glad your irrationality does not factor (much) in my utility.

Cheers to rationality. May the rest of you stew in your irrationality.

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