Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Anti Fresh Direct

The lazy me buys most of my groceries from Fresh Direct. But I really dislike giving money to Fresh Direct. One of the most irritating companies EVER! It is overpriced, the seafood is crappy and the most irritating thing: The prices RANDOMLY INCREASED!!!! My canned mushrooms went from $1.99 to $2.19 (10% increase!!). Same for frozen corn ($1.99 to $2.29, 15% increase!!!). I'm too lazy to go check the prices of my other produce. This is not the stock market, why are my food prices fluctuating... Anyway, if it is anything like the stock market, my food should be CHEAPER!!

Is it my fault that I have a good memory and I can remember the prices of food! Stop conning people who have bad memories!!! I still remember the price of Apple Juice when I bought them in Dominion in Toronto ($1.99). Why is Fresh Direct increasing food prices at whim!!! Inflation is not 10%!!!

The only reason I am still buying from horrid Fresh Direct is because I have some credits from them (from giving me smashed eggs) and I found free delivery with the coupon code "ENJOYFRESH".

ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! Overpriced!! Overpriced!! Overpriced!! + Random price increases!! Hello Fresh Direct, I noticed the price increases!! Stop trying to make more $ from such evil scheming methods!! I am a poor starving student!!

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