Saturday, October 11, 2008

Best Grapes

I cannot believe that NO ONE, absolutely no one, told me that grapes could be eaten this way. I have wasted 22 good years of my life eating grapes in a less than satisfactory way. Yes, I am one of those anal I-must-peel-the-grape-skin people. I don't like the slight biting taste of grape skin. Hmph!

I found out about THIS when I googled for ways to wash grapes (use toothpaste).

Learn from the pro:

1. Buy those tiny seedless grapes. Unless you like big un-mutated, un-GM grapes with gigantic seeds and a thick thick skin.

2. Wash the grapes. Throw out the squishy grapes. You won't know they are squishy and gross when they are frozen!!

3. Stick the grapes in the freezer. You can see my freezer is stock piled with frozen food and a gigantic bag of shrimp.

4. Wait till grapes are 150% frozen!! You don't want partially soggy grapes.

5. Wash/soak frozen grape/s in water for a few seconds. Pinch the skin off!! It is oh-so-easy to get rid of the grape skin!! Skinless grape is EXTREMELY slippery. Beware, it WILL TRY to roll away. Pop into mouth asap!

7. Taha!! Best Grapes! Yum! Taste like sweet healthy ice pops!

Another picture with flash!

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