Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I'm feeling darn hungry. It's insane. I eat like 5 meals a day with lots of snacking in between and I'm still hungry.

The NYC pollution is probably turning me into some food digesting mutant. Argh.

It doesn't help that food in NYC is expensive. Poor + Hungry. It's a bad combination.

I keep running out of food.

I'm so hungry. I'm going to snack on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich before class at 7.20pm. (Yes, I have night classes. How horrid!)

Then I'll go home and cook myself some egg and tomato thing.

So hungry. The acid is digesting my tummy. Else maybe I have worms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you fatter now?? *evil grin* Haha, I'll ship some Pocky Almond over.