Sunday, July 24, 2011

Herbivores and me

I was eating watermelon with OF when we decided that humans only eat land animals that are 'mainly herbivores'. We're not considering worms, insects and the like as 'animals'.  So I'm classifying chicken as herbivore of some sorts. 

Granted that Asian people drink snake blood, eat bear paws and tiger penises... Those are more medicinal than food food.  You get the point.  According to YouTube, some people eat cats and dogs... But those are the rarer exception.

Hmm, why do humans typically eat herbivores but leave carnivores alone?  Maybe carnivores are too expensive to be eaten. OF says carnivores are too smelly and tough to eat.  Pigs are omnivorous?  Maybe that is why they have the 臭 pork 味.

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