Thursday, March 26, 2009

Different Worlds

Today at work, a bunch of interns mentioned something about the 'Projects' in NYC.   I have absolutely no idea what the Projects are and I have been in New York for 2 years.  I'm so out of touch... Anyway, I learnt that Projects are affordable government housing aka HDB-like things in very dingy neighbourhoods, apparently rife with crime and drugs.  Projects are also dirt cheap, someone in the group stays in a 5-room Project apartment for $800!!!  Hello, I thought this is New York with its overpriced rent!!

The interns mentioned that I lived in a different world.  Probably so.  I seemed to exist in a couple of extremely distinct, non-overlapping worlds.  I flutter around the edges of these worlds, not really belonging to any of them, yet not being fully excluded from them.

It is like being at the edge of a bubble, and looking into a world that is not mine.  Hm..  so what exactly is my world?  

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