Thursday, March 27, 2008
Death and Living
Anyway, I was delirious, and probably still is, with stomach flu. Or the more confusing term: Viral gastroenteritis.
Whatever it is, it made me puke, contemplate dying, write my will (to allocate my earthly belongings), denounce my love of capitalism and Kate Spade Bags (not happening!!! KS is having 20% sale from April 3rd to 6th! Should I buy?? Should I?).
Anyway, I gained some form of compassion for the Iraqis. All thanks to the nightmares during this delirious state (more on this later). I sort of decided on the unfortunate ones who would gain custody of my Sirotans, Purins and what-nots upon my death. Their fluffiness would be morbid upon my departure, yet the receivers would be (hopefully) too guilt ridden to get rid of my eternal stuffed presence. *pure evil*
According to the oh-so-high-tech-and-transparent weighing scale, yesterday I lost 1 kg but gained 2% fat. Today, I lost 1.5 kg and gained 1% fat (from my normal kg and fat %). Whatever.
But stomach flu is a great weight lost thing if you can stand the puking and the crapping.
It's a freaking North American thing. Singapore has its Dengue Fever, North America has Stomach Flu.
Okay, brief overview of how I think I contracted this deadly-suicidal-thoughts-inducing-disease:
- watched Betrayed, the play based on the report. This probably triggered my dreams filled with Iraqi administrative worries.
- ate
- went to someone's place
- ate some pieces of broken up Easter chocolate that was probably tainted with stomach flu (the someone had a brother-in-law with stomach flu)
Argh. I so shouldn't eat random stuff. Especially after I noticed that my brother promptly dumped all the chocolate pieces that he flipped onto the floor back into the bowl. Who knew what had been done to the chocolate prior to my greedy arrival?
I'm surprised I'm not dead after 2.5 days of near starvation. I gained a new appreciation for water. I learnt I hate fish flavoured maggi porridge. Life is all about gaining new knowledge.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Free Tibet - NYC 42nd St
14 March 08
This was taken from the UN Secretariat. NYPD swamped the streets after some protesters tried to get into the UN. The crowd grew with time. Their signs were tiny (from my view), but at least I could read them (unlike the instance when the pro-life group was protesting). The highlight of my UN experience! Staff members seemed indifferent to the commotion. They see it too often.
The crowd grew...
16 March 08
This took place outside my apartment, right across the Chinese Consulate.
The view from my bedroom. There were lots and lots of police cars. They looked like toy cars. I would be so happy if I were a five-year-old boy.
Policemen, all in a row. I wonder what they were thinking.
Policeman 1: When will they be done protesting... I want to spend my Sundays at home watching television... (Maybe??)
Policeman 2: I need coffee. (Some policeman asked me where he could get coffee. Hehe!)
Another policeman reassured me that the protesters were non-violent. Did I look like I was afraid that they would hit/kidnap me?? They (the protesters) even offered me gum.
Horses behind the roll of policemen. Why were the horses at the back? Horses at the back + policemen on foot in front = Perception of higher security?
I heard that the presence of the large police force was due to the fact that someone spray-painted "Free Tibet" on the Chinese Consulate (yesterday?). Darn! I couldn't believe I missed that!
The row of horses.
Lots of horses = Lots of horse poo
Someone cleaning the horse poo!!! Glad he didn't notice that I was taking this picture of him sweeping poo!!
Information (if you were one of the protestors): The human bathroom is at the back of my building, it is the potable toilet meant for the construction people in the next building... I think the horses need some potable toilet stuck to their butts, some form of horse diapers.
My apartment. Notice the two security guys / policemen watching from the balcony.
And in the air: Two helicopters. Maybe they were news helicopters.
Why weren't the protestors hoarse after hours of shouting? Didn't notice them drinking water too...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Smoke and People
My clothes, hair, hands smell like cigarettes. My throat tastes like cigarettes (even after 12 hours). I probably have shortened my life by 2 days.
I hang out at the weirdest places. Some one was trying to hook me up with some rich 24year old relative of some important people. Interesting.
Anyway, three categories of people in professional / higher status jobs
- Politicians
- Corporate / Business People
- Academics
The classification goes in increasing level of intelligence. (typically)
Politicians pursue power, business people go for money and academics seek knowledge.
What do I want?
Monday, March 03, 2008
Art Attack 4 - Skype Madness
As usual, it starts off rather innocently...
My work:

His work:

His work:

Bat-like rabbit...

Different mouth...

My work:

His work:



Yes, we need to get a life.