Saturday, March 31, 2007
Things that make me happy
- Spring air
- Time to do nothing
- A good book
- Knowing that there are people who care
- Fresh flowers
- Squishy soft toys
- Milo
- Steamed fish
- Nice nails
- Good hair day
- Pretty dresses
- 8 hours of sleep
- Good company
- Receiving paper mail (letters, gifts not bills)
- Cold milk tea
- Someone who listens
- Finding good bargains
- Music
- Surprises
- Praline chocolate
- Funny stuff
- Comics
- Ice-cream
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Faustian Bargain
Faust, in the legend, traded his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge. To “strike a Faustian bargain” is to be willing to sacrifice anything to satisfy a limitless desire for knowledge or power.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
My undergraduate days are coming to a close. I'm worrying about not being able to graduate. I feel so paranoid.
Where I am now is the product of whatever I did. Sometimes I reflect about my life and regret/mull over certain things. It is my choice, my decision, which has led me to my current situation.
OF says God already has your life mapped out. So, He knows what will happen to you. But I guess you should make the best of what you have, and work towards your goals. Hm, things don't simply fall from the sky.
I still feel unproductive. I'm not doing anything, towards anything. I need some form of stimulation. *zaps myself with an electrical prod*
Saturday, March 24, 2007
People watching
30 min of sleep: writing 10 page essay, 25%, on the night before it is due. Bad idea.
Professor was late, so I people watched. The girl sitting next to me was a classic GF2. I've noticed her in class before (because she is gf2-like), but today she was in closer proximity.
She is dainty and sweet with long rebonded hair that she touches every few seconds. *flick flick* She has nicely painted pink fingernails and smells like bubblegum (really, sugar sweet). Even her nice neat round-ish handwriting is sweet.
All the while, she was talking to this other guy. He is rather plain looking (nice way of saying below average) and kind of flabby (note: I think lots of people are flabby, so he might not really be flabby in usual sense. It's just my view. =P). Then the professor came and when lesson was about to start, he stood up and left the class.
Yikes. He is one of those guys. You know, those men that hang around girls they like, i.e. to jio* the bubblegum sweetie. The girls are usually relatively nice and friendly to such men, but everyone knows it is highly unlikely they will ever consider dating them (the men). (Possibly everyone, except him, knows she doesn't consider him)
Haha, it gives me such an ecky aftertaste watching such a scene. The men are so lame. It's 9am on Friday and he is in class to accompany the girl for 10 minutes before class starts. Ew ew. Somehow I'm disgusted at the rather desperate jioing methods.
I guess people have to try, somehow, to date people a lot better looking than they are. How else would extremely ugly people get married? (hm, maybe they marry other extremely ugly people?)
I'm so mean. I'm so not going to get jioed for the next eternity.
*Jio: (Singlish) chase, woo
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Dating 101: When he does too much (without you wanting him to).
He (includes partners, boyfriends, almost boyfriends, people who like you, etc etc) does too much when:
- He does your Math assignments for you (including visiting your professor to ask questions) when you told him: "leave it, it's fine"
- Neglects sleep, social life, food, schoolwork to keep you company
- Washes your all dishes
- Folds 1000 paper cranes for you, write your name on many tiny macaronis (that sort of thing)
These are just examples... They may or may not have happened to me (or my friends). Don't speculate. Tsk!
After doing all these redundant, yet sweet, things, he will complain or feel wei3 qu1 (wronged).
Why? Because he had invested so much time/effort and you didn't reciprocate/appreciate.
My point of view (and, maybe, other females):
Hello?! I didn't ask you to do so many things... so if you don't want to do it, don't. Else, do it (to make me happy) and don't complain.
I don't know why guys think that we should appreciate the things we didn't ask/want them to do. My analogy: Guys doing too much (without me wanting him to) = force feeding (caviar), when I'm full and fat.
Oh yes, we unappreciative females appreciate your kind thoughts and attempts (keyword: attempts), to please us. You are nice and kind and sweet, but PLEASE don't complain, whine or feel wronged after doing what you chose to do. We didn't put a gun to your head.
(You might have the right to whine, if we forced you into the task.)
So, guys, go ahead and do whatever you want to proclaim your undying love. Just don't sulk and expect that we will always appreciate it (as much as you like us to).
Qualifier: You still got to do the basic stuff that is expected of you. (i.e. send the girl home, celebrate valentine's day/birthday/anniversary, listen to her talk/whine/bitch/cry)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Spring cheated on me.
Besides that, I'm freezing indoors. This is terrible. Now it is 17 deg (still bearable), but I sometimes wake up to 13 deg INDOOR temperatures. The thermostat at home is CURSED. It only has a turn on/off function. The temperature dials on it -> SCAM!
Here is a continuation about the terrible living conditions that I'm forced to live with.
(Refer to Neurotic for my housemates' heating woes.)
Okay.. So I feel cold and I turn on the heat. )@(#*@)(#@! CHLORINE GAS START COMING OUT OF MY HEAT VENT!!!!!! Poison poison. They used Chlorine to kill people in WW1.
Either the drug-using nuts in the basements are trying to poison me (and the rest of the house) or the landlord or his assistant (V. N.) is trying to save $ by making hot air a form of poison.
When we DIE, you will have no rent to collect. Argh. Sheesh. The Chlorine is probably going to take some time to kill md, so evil landlord could still squeeze rent out of me!
Evil landlord choices:
SAVE $ as stupid renters don't use heat
SPEND $ to slowly kill some pesky renters
He got the best of everything eh?
(I didn't know it is so easy to torment people. The tips I pick up in Toronto. Tsk.)
Yadayada. He might be trying to clean the air vent with Chlorine. But it is below -6 deg outside.
The lives of poor undergraduates are worth nothing. When I get rich and famous and all, I'll get back at all these people. Shoot diamond bullets at them.
But now, I'm stuck without heat.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Anger issues
Pissed off at some academic nonsense.
- didn't do great on test. didn't have time to finish.
- some idiot tried to overcharge me for past tests
- mailman didn't come today. Hello? Where's my acceptance/rejection letter?
Hm. I didn't use to be so concern about my grades... Nay, I'm always that way. Why. I need to learn to relax. My 1st year in university was fine, then I somehow morphed into some cao mugger. Sheesh. And if you think (North America) overseas education is easy, think again. Hard like hell. I don't know where I got notions that I will get to slack in uni. Worse, far worse than JC years. Far worse, and less fun. The only people who seem to have a relatively easy time in university are those in Australia.
I cooked some multi coloured bubble tea pearls to cheer myself up.
So much for cheering myself up. (But I did manage to scrap them off the pot, so not ALL is lost. There is still hope in the world.)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
But I'm stuck in some overly anxious situation. A horrid ECO test on Friday. 2 papers and 1 presentation next week. And yar, graduate school acceptance/rejection letters should be coming my way this week or the next.
ARgh. How horrid to be me. I can't enjoy spring without the burden of assorted things on my mind.
And I've class now so I have no time to complain.
At least one thing is getting better... the weather!! Spring!!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Spread the joy!
It doesn't sound great but it makes me happy. =)! (especially if you sing along)
Haha. My narcissistic self.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Types of girlfriends
I have only thought about blogging (about this topic) today but the idea have been floating around for a while...
There are 2 distinct kinds of girlfriends one can get.
One of them looks like this:
Thursday, March 08, 2007
School Songs
To give myself some credit, I didn't forget everything...
Primary School (XPS):
78% recalled
*We the pupils of XPS
In spirit we are one
As brothers help each other
In study and at play
Working towards perfection
In school from day to day
Humility and honesty
Love and respect for all
School and to community
We will answer to your call (back to *)
But I can't remember how it ends...
Secondary School (TKGS):
25% recalled
We can not all be heros and throw a hemisphere?
With some great daring venture, some deed that mocks at fear
But we can fill a life time with kindly acts and truth?
For glory of the country and ......
I think there are 3 stanzas..
Junior College (VJC):
Can't recall the tune... Copied the lyrics from wikipedia
Victoria in Singapore
There are other schools we know
Victoria is something more
The school that watch'd us grow
For here we've learnt and striven too
And played the sportsman's game
Victoria we give to you
The honour that you claim
Victoria thy sons are we
And we will not forget
Victoria thy triumphs see
And victories we share yet
For others came before and went
And carried to the world
Victoria's fame and our intent to
Keep her flag unfurled
Okay.. So why am I writing all these? I hope someone out there will stumble upon my blog and fill in the blanks in the songs for me. Hehe..
If that doesn't work out.. At least I've a partial record of the songs, before they all get wiped off my bad bad memory.
I still can't believe I remember most of my Pri school song.. 6 years of brainwashing singing. Haha.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Slacking around
Some random things I do when I'm slacking around:
1) My housemate's (OH) door. Notice it's dark in the room (no light underneath door). OH and gf are in the room. 2) And here is the sign on the door. Hmmm. =P
3) Just for information: Here is what's hanging from my doorknob.
Oh... I've also got myself this new Sony Ericsson z610i. And I've figured out how to download FREE games onto my phone (go to So I'm playing Tamagotchi V1. Ahh... Games from my not so long ago childhood.I tried to play the game in fast mode, but it's still REAL slow.. But the it suddenly went really fast and Fluff (tamagotchi's name) started pooing quite a lot and got really sick.
For those of the non-tamagotchi generation: The skull means Fluff is sick, he's not dead.
So there.. this is my rather uneventful weekend.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Okay.. But I finally got myself a gmail account, AFTER HOURS of thinking what name to use. Sheesh. I can't believe it. I spend time worrying about the name of my gmail account when there's world poverty and people dying of AIDS. Anyway, that precisely what I did. (I can't believe that people use nicks like pinkapples, fluffypillows, handsinmypockets(or sth like that)). I must have tried all possible combinations for an oh-so-me email, but didn't manage to settle for anything until today. Today. when I got all bored, tired and sick of school, I set up my email account. All this on a glorious friday evening. What a life.
Some updates on my not-so-cool life.
1) I slept like 1.5 hours last night/morning. Slept at 7am, woke at 8.30am for my 9am test.
Tell me again why did I procrastinate?!
2) I hate school. Have not receive word from any of the graduate schools that I have applied to. Wondering what was going through my mind when I applied for PhD. Today's conversations with a couple of graduate students steered me further away from that path.
3) I need Manolo Blahniks. I've never had them and probably won't be having them any time soon. But still..
4) Going through another one of my stages of I-so-need _______. Currently it's nice eyes. So I'm busy trying to figure out how to reduce eye bags (drink apple cider vinegar?) and lengthen my eyelashes. (I'm off grocery shopping tomorrow for my health/vanity fix.)