Monday, October 20, 2008

If Only...

Purin is almost famous! Someone please make Purin famous!

Purin is so darn cute... He doesn't like the kitty swiping at his face!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Type of Guy

I think Anderson Cooper is really really cute. He is totally my type of guy. The boyish, nice guy, intellectual look. Swoons.

I'm a news junkie but I find him kind of boring. But he is so so attractive. Those blue eyes! Plus he is from a rich and famous family and reportedly earns $4m a year.

And he is funny too. Mr Cooper wrote: "Going gray is like ejaculation. You know it can happen prematurely, but when it actually does, it's a total shock." Read more here.

How can you not like a guy like that!!!

He is cute even when he is biting his fingers!!!

Look at him pointing at his hair. Argh!!!! Too attractive!

But rumours say he is gay. =(

Someone tell me he is not!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Images from my phone: So this is New York

Thanks to my trusty Sony Ericsson Z610i (best phone ever!), I have some 2.0 mega pixels of NYC and NJ.

So here is my life in camera phone pictures:
Donna Karan warehouse in NJ. There are lots and lots of clothes I cannot afford. There is a clothing library at the back. The librarian has (one of) the world's coolest (and slackest) job. And then, there is the story of the Donna Karan inspirer. Life is so totally not fair. Hmph! My work is real work. Sort of, anyway.

Organismic sandwich (When Harry Met Sally, see video below) from Katz's Delicatessen. Overpriced but good. But it is not good enough to justify going back and paying $14.95 for it. Hate the pickles though. One would think $14.95 pickles would be good too.

A Bengal tiger at New Jersey's 6 Flags.

A donated poster from a colleague who was laid off.

My whale has the gift of sight! It is so so happy!

Crazy traffic in NYC when there is no traffic police. Cars everywhere. No rules. Pure mess.

Overpriced decorative glass turtle. I saw this is in a shop window when I was wandering around aimlessly in NYC.

Real turtle with an aim. All his other turtle and frog pals seem rather resigned to their fate. This was seen in a newly renovated Chinatown supermarket. I feel so bad for the turtle. He is trying so hard so save himself from his sad situation. I could have saved him, but I didn't. He is probably not around any more. Sobs. Guilt. Peace to this turtle. I hope he is happy in Turtle Heaven.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Best Grapes

I cannot believe that NO ONE, absolutely no one, told me that grapes could be eaten this way. I have wasted 22 good years of my life eating grapes in a less than satisfactory way. Yes, I am one of those anal I-must-peel-the-grape-skin people. I don't like the slight biting taste of grape skin. Hmph!

I found out about THIS when I googled for ways to wash grapes (use toothpaste).

Learn from the pro:

1. Buy those tiny seedless grapes. Unless you like big un-mutated, un-GM grapes with gigantic seeds and a thick thick skin.

2. Wash the grapes. Throw out the squishy grapes. You won't know they are squishy and gross when they are frozen!!

3. Stick the grapes in the freezer. You can see my freezer is stock piled with frozen food and a gigantic bag of shrimp.

4. Wait till grapes are 150% frozen!! You don't want partially soggy grapes.

5. Wash/soak frozen grape/s in water for a few seconds. Pinch the skin off!! It is oh-so-easy to get rid of the grape skin!! Skinless grape is EXTREMELY slippery. Beware, it WILL TRY to roll away. Pop into mouth asap!

7. Taha!! Best Grapes! Yum! Taste like sweet healthy ice pops!

Another picture with flash!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Tips from QHA: Good stuff to know about the choices you make

Intrinsic motivations: personal growth, meaningful relationships, community contributions
These goals are regarded as being ends in themselves and they foster the intrinsic motives of competence, autonomy and relatedness.

Extrinsic motivations: pursuit of financial success, fame, and physical attractiveness
These goals are largely instrumental means toward other ends and they embody external controls on one's actions (e.g. needing to do jobs for others to gain money).

The more emphasis people placed on wanting to be rich, famous, and physically attractive, the less well off they were in terms of anxiety, depression, social functioning, vitality, self-actualization, and other measures. In contrast, placing emphasis on the intrinsic aspirations such as growth and meaningful relationships was positively linked to good adjustment and well-being.
- From Kasser and Ryan (1993, 1996) and a big fat Social Psychology book.

Now I know where my anxiety, depression, poor social functioning, low vitality and lack of self-actualization come from. More knowledge, higher anxiety, deeper depression.
- From the Queen of High Anxiety

Tuesday, October 07, 2008