Look at him pointing at his hair. Argh!!!! Too attractive!
But rumours say he is gay. =(
Someone tell me he is not!!
Organismic sandwich (When Harry Met Sally, see video below) from Katz's Delicatessen. Overpriced but good. But it is not good enough to justify going back and paying $14.95 for it. Hate the pickles though. One would think $14.95 pickles would be good too.
My whale has the gift of sight! It is so so happy!
Crazy traffic in NYC when there is no traffic police. Cars everywhere. No rules. Pure mess.
Overpriced decorative glass turtle. I saw this is in a shop window when I was wandering around aimlessly in NYC.
Real turtle with an aim. All his other turtle and frog pals seem rather resigned to their fate. This was seen in a newly renovated Chinatown supermarket. I feel so bad for the turtle. He is trying so hard so save himself from his sad situation. I could have saved him, but I didn't. He is probably not around any more. Sobs. Guilt. Peace to this turtle. I hope he is happy in Turtle Heaven.
4. Wait till grapes are 150% frozen!! You don't want partially soggy grapes.
5. Wash/soak frozen grape/s in water for a few seconds. Pinch the skin off!! It is oh-so-easy to get rid of the grape skin!! Skinless grape is EXTREMELY slippery. Beware, it WILL TRY to roll away. Pop into mouth asap!
7. Taha!! Best Grapes! Yum! Taste like sweet healthy ice pops!
Another picture with flash!