One lazy Saturday not too long ago, 2 fishermen decided to go fishing. Like in all stories, the fishermen were very different. One fisherman was tall and strong (aka himbo), while the other was easily rattled and had a "weak constitution". They went out fishing together, each with a different objective. The himbo fisherman was generally dismissive of fishing. He found fishing to be a mild sport, deemed uncharacteristic for someone with his sculpted physique (insert appropriate puking sound). The other fisherman had high hopes and brought along ziplock bags with dreams of bringing home the prize catch.
And so they went to Hudson River to try their luck (because it was free).
It wasn't long before a fisherman (guess which), caught something. It was an American eel. The lovely people at Big City Fishing provided the rods, bait and even helped handle the kamikaze crazy eel.
The eel was pure slime and pure muscle. It wasn't very bright though (somehow resembling the himbo fisherman). It swallowed the squid bait, hook and all. Now all it could do was to pray hard and cross it gills and hope that the sea water would corrode the iron hook in its tummy.
The fishing trip ended with 2 more catches. The eel-less fisherman caught 2 sea grapes. One of which was classified by the Big City Fishing people as the grossest sea grape ever. It squirted. Congratulations Sea Grape Fisherman!
Big fishes caught that summer. Notice, no tracking of sea grapes.
The 3rd American eel caught.
The total catch in 1.5 hr: 1 American eel, 2 sea grapes
The sea creatures were finally returned to their rightful place in the polluted sea, to allow other fishermen to try their luck. The ziplock bags were unused. Anyway, the sandwich size bags were far too small for the big eel.
Then, the fishermen felt hungry and went off for food at Union Sq Cafe.
The loveliest rabbit ravioli ever! The butter, the corn, the rabbit. Yum!
The loveliest mash potatoes ever. Ooo.. Those fried onions...
And large crunchy prawns...
Note: No unagi (or should it be anago... Hm...)
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