Okay, I've just clogged the house's only toilet. Horrid horrid toilet. Super low quality toilet with a weak flush. All wonderfully provided by the cheapskate landlord. I've clogged the toilet more times in the 2 years I've stayed here than in 21 years of my clog-free life.I've plunger-ed that darn clog and made things worse. Now the mess of toilet paper have moved to the tinier mid section of the toilet pipes and blocked the water flow. I can't even put the plunger down for fear that the yucky toilet water will overflow. Ew.. Now I just have to wait for that darn thing to slowly drain.Oh, everyone in the house has been clogging up the toilet since we switched toilet paper. Better quality toilet paper clogs the toilet more. Sheesh.Someone needs to invent anti-clogging, auto-disintegrating toilet paper.*********
I was in this conversation with a bunch of neighbours some days back when one girl mentioned that one could identify mystery man by his penis.Side note: We were talking about some secretive group in school who went about in masks and chains (they chained themselves together). Then, I asked how he peed. So someone suggested identifying him by his penis e.g. "I know that mole..."Anyway, the point is the penis thing was really funny to the girls but the guys were like -_-. I guess men just don't like having their weenie (or any other weenie) being laughed at.I find this so funny. Haha, but the guys reading this probably don't think so. *********
I'm one of the rare few who doesn't enjoy driving. I find it more of a chore. Granted, it's because I'm a terrible driver.. But I decided it's just not enjoyable at all. I enjoy the transportation freedom of having a car but I do hate driving. Oh gosh, I so so want a driver. Eh, but I don't have a car for the driver to drive... Hm...
Random question: How do ancient people cut their nails.. I'm pretty sure there are no nail clippers around. Do they just chew their nails off? Or do they scratch their nails against rocks of some sort (just like a kitty cat)?