I have too much time on my hands after handing in my last assignment. Haha, hence, I have time to think about frivolous nonsense like why is my future bed frame going to be brown. I HATE brown. I have always wanted the white bed frame, pink bed sheets thing. Now my wonderful plans are ALL ruined. *sobs* Anyway, I'm still going ahead with the pink sheets.. Maybe I'll get yellow. Brown and yellow, it's like Purin. Then when I place Purin on my bed, he will blend in with the sheets.
Purin is that yellow dog in the upper right corner of the picture.
OF bought me this cute dollhouse. Super adorable. Kekeke. But no stairs or doors. The tiny critters have to jump around to get into the different rooms.
Okay, I've figured out why I don't hang out so much with friends after dating. Yeah, great insight!
It's because your date is better company. I'm not sure about your dates, but my date usually pays for my stuff, sends me home, listens to me yak, gets drag around, looks at MY stuff, etc.
So when I go out with OF, I generally have a good time because things go MY way. I'm such a control freak. OF also makes sure I have mushrooms in my miso soup, else he will give me his. Haha. There! Beat that.
Compared this to my other friends: No free food, no extra food, no one to send me home.
Haha, my old friends are probably decent company, but new friends, I got to make forced conversations, pay for expensive food that I'm NOT interested in eating.
I guess the main problem is that I'm a total cheapskate. I'm just not willing to pay for expensive food with company that I don't really enjoy. And I can't behave like a cheapskate even though I am one! AND I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SPLIT THE COST OF ALL THE FOOD ON A TABLE BECAUSE I USUALLY ORDER THE CHEAP STUFF (and I eat less than others). If I'm willing to pay for cab rides, maybe going home by MYSELF wouldn't be all that terrible. All these prevent me from converting new friends into closer friends.
So poverty is oh-so-bad for making friends. And having a good date as comparison... Ah, things just get so skewed.